Okay so most people have seen Candi's status:
Now lots of people are saying she was never really quitting because of this status, but I don't think this status is serious. I think that Candi was being ironic/sarcastic cos she put this face at the end ---> -.-
Also, I was in the mall with her just at the same time she made this status, and she had been saying that she's quitting and that she hates GoldNKid. She said that GoldNKid created a new acc called YourDaddy just to bully her. Now if this was true, I doubt seconds later she would be thanking Gold and calling him her "biggest fan" and "BMFL."
So I hope this proves that Candired wasn't planning to stay and that chances are she's still leaving :(
Okay... more happy stuff now!
Okay these are pictures of me with Alishak! The top one is from two days ago, and the 2nd one is from yesterday! But she hasn't accepted my friend request :'(