
Saturday, 27 April 2013


Okay i was on msp and i saw a boy without a username at the bottom of my screen O.O
So i clicked on him and saw that he still had no username, was level 1 and...
Im quite scared cos wtf was he doing at the bottom of my screen if he wasnt my friend? And why didnt he hav a username? What if he's like, the new anonymous? SO FUCKIN SCARED RITE NAWH OMD! What should I do? Message me/comment if you've ever seen him before! Thank youh x

Friday, 26 April 2013


THANK YOU SOOOOOOO MUCH IZZIE FOR THE GREETINGS! She gave me FIVE frickin greetings! OMD! She also bought me two wishies! I didnt even make a deal or nothin she just did it cos she's really nice!

Monday, 15 April 2013


Okay so most people have seen Candi's status:
Now lots of people are saying she was never really quitting because of this status, but I don't think this status is serious. I think that Candi was being ironic/sarcastic cos she put this face at the end ---> -.-
Also, I was in the mall with her just at the same time she made this status, and she had been saying that she's quitting and that she hates GoldNKid. She said that GoldNKid created a new acc called YourDaddy just to bully her. Now if this was true, I doubt seconds later she would be thanking Gold and calling him her "biggest fan" and "BMFL."
So I hope this proves that Candired wasn't planning to stay and that chances are she's still leaving :(

Okay... more happy stuff now!
Okay these are pictures of me with Alishak! The top one is from two days ago, and the 2nd one is from yesterday! But she hasn't accepted my friend request :'(

Sunday, 14 April 2013


Asdfghjkl im levl 17! Thanks to everyone who helped! (and ty emski222 for the greeting!) mwah mwah mwah i love you all!


Ty bub so much! Look how close you've got me to level 17! Gahhhh Im so close!

I Was Bored... TAAZ Makeover!

Well, I decided to give my MSP person a makeover on TAAZ! Let's have a look then xD
She kinda looks like a Bratz doll, eh?
For some reason I found doing this very amusing! :'D


Here are my two options for my new Dp!
I think I'm gonna choose the 1st one...

Ty Shaz!

Another Greeting ^.^ Tysm Shannon!

Saturday, 13 April 2013


Okay so there's this guy in my room called princess24816s husband who is following me! I have a feeling that it's one of these 3 playing a prank on me, but they are all adamant that it's not any of them. My best shot is that it is one of my friends, but I don't know who cos I've blocked him now >.<

NOOOOOO! I'm locked out! ToT

Yesterday I was hacked! How they got my password I don't know! I messaged my account (which the hacker had hijacked) trying to get her/him to give my account back but they tried to hack me! But now I've got the acc back I tried to log in and I saw this:
It's not fair because I didn't write that the hacker did! The weird thing is, as far as I'm aware the hacker didn't steal any of my clothes or spend any of my star coins so, what was the point of the stupid hacker hacking me! Grr.

Thank Yuu KESHA!!$

Thank Yuu KESHA!!$ for the greeting! I actually really appreciate it as I'm nearing level 17! EEK!

Friday, 12 April 2013

Eeek! Greetings!

Okay, so today I got two greetings! Ty to BLU-SPARKS and Denisa77! This has given me the wonderful idea of creating a page to put snapshots of greetings! You can access is from the top!

New Movie: Glow Club

Haai, Molly here!
I have a new movie called Glow Club and episode 1 is out now! I'm going to start working on episode two ASAP but it might take a while because I have a truck load of homework to do!

Okay so here is the movie now O.O
WOAH... Thanks guys!
And now for the bad news... i had just published episode 2 this morning but i accidentaly deleted it :'( it was quite a long movie and i'm well sad that all that hard work has gone to waste... i just cant bring myself to make it all over again so sorry I will not be continuing the series :/

Thursday, 11 April 2013

Ty joslen234 :)

Okay, every now and again we come across one of those amazing people on MSP... And one of those people are joslen234!
Only a few days ago, she was hacked and lost all her stuff :'(
But after buying a new VIP package she has bought some new clothes and she sent me a greeting! If I was her I probs would have kept it all to myself lool ;D
Soooooo, I wanted to say: THANK YOU SO MUCH JOSLEN!

Wednesday, 10 April 2013

This stupid level 5 called >animal luver< did a wishy deal with me. I sent her a wishy, as you can see here:
She then started messaging me saying that I never sent her a wishy then she made a hate account!

Like, wtf? She even posted hate on my wall but I deleted it. Seriously, wtf is wrong with some people!

And then, I clicked on her profile and saw that she is actually wearing the shoes I bought her! Is she fucking retarded or blind! Omg some people... -.-
Here she is, wearing the shoes I bought her whilst she spams me about not buying her a wishy >.<
Okay, I think my rant is finally over! Imma block her if she doesn't fricking apologise!

Tuesday, 9 April 2013

How To Get My Eyes

Okay, so I was asked how I got these eyes, so, I decided to show you guys!
So Basically....
Style: Sweet Stuff
Eye colour: Any you want, but I think bright blue or bright green look the best
Eyebrow colour: Black
Eye shadow: White (this is the inner bit closest to the nose)
Eye shadow: Black
Eye shadow: Black
Eye shadow: Black

PS. I think it looks best paired with some Spiderleg Lashes!

I hope this helps!

Love, Molly xxx

Watch My Movie "New Home"

Hiya, this is Hayley here!
Please watch my new movie (to be series) called "New Home" Part 1 is out now!

I've just published it, but so far I only have six views! SIX! There were 40 of you online, and I sent it to all of you, but I only got six views. :( Please watch it to turn this frown upside down!

Monday, 8 April 2013

Thank Yu!

Thank You Grader!

In The Mall!

Helloh, it's Hayley here!
Was just hanging in the mall got bored so I thought I'd tell you guys lol.
Here's me, Molly and Scooby!

Sunday, 7 April 2013

Moderator Deleted My Arty!

Remember the artbook I posted on here like a week ago? Yes? Well, it got deleted! It's not fair because it got like 1000 loves and got on highscores!! And to make it worse some random girl spammed my wall saying I stole her arty, then blocked me -.-